It is intended to deepen the knowledge to many people, even a little bit about assistance dogs.Service dogs and assistance dogs, hearing dogs, it is a general term for guide dogs.- service dogs compensate for the failure of the body, partner dependable of daily life· Hearing partners who carry the sound to the handicapped people of dog ear- guide dogs eyes of blind people is, safely walking partner forWe are planning the deployment of "assistance dogs Guide mechanic test" in the future in Japan auxiliary Dog Associations website.This application has become the contents which you can use even as an exercise aimed to take the test.How to use:When you press the start button 4-option issue will appear on the exam 10 questions.To determine the correct / incorrect for the selected answer, to display the answer and its commentary.The number of correct answers will pass in the 7 questions above.Pass the number of times up a star rank in every 10 times, and recorded in the smartphone up to a maximum of star 6.